He has done it! Duncan was standing on his own this afternoon and took one small step with each chubby little foot, before taking a rest. Today's accomplishment even trumped last Sunday's milestones: the first good-bye wave to the ladies in the CCC nursery and the first glee filled clapping of the hands at suppertime. Duncan loves to be on his feet now and he and Liam have been enjoying a chase episode up and down Liam's bed right before it is time for them to say goodnight. The giggling is ridiculous! This evening when giving his brother a last kiss and hug, Liam said, "I want Duncan to sleep in my room." "That day will come soon enough," was my reply.
After Liam and I had a trip to the Village Pointe Farmer's Market on Saturday, we spent the evening in the back yard planting. Duncan enjoyed the large shovel...

...with an ever present grin...

...while Liam preferred the smaller, hand held shovel. The better to dig with, I would say. He is helping me pull up some weeds below.

Earlier in the day, we pulled out the favorite toy of the summer of 2008...the kiddy pool! Liam took no time at all getting reaquainted.

At first, Duncan was more interested in the broom that I was using to wash off the deck...

...but soon enough he joined his brother.

Someone has the "smile for the camera face" down.

One another note, Liam has been enjoying a batch of play dough that the Margie of CharlotteMargieJoe made for him. When I say enjoying, I mean it literally. He eats it! When told that play dough is not to eat, Liam gives the same response that he does when eating dirt, sand, rocks, chalk, etc....
"Mommy, it tastes so good. I love eating play dough!!"

After Liam and I had a trip to the Village Pointe Farmer's Market on Saturday, we spent the evening in the back yard planting. Duncan enjoyed the large shovel...
...with an ever present grin...
...while Liam preferred the smaller, hand held shovel. The better to dig with, I would say. He is helping me pull up some weeds below.
Earlier in the day, we pulled out the favorite toy of the summer of 2008...the kiddy pool! Liam took no time at all getting reaquainted.
At first, Duncan was more interested in the broom that I was using to wash off the deck...
...but soon enough he joined his brother.
Someone has the "smile for the camera face" down.
One another note, Liam has been enjoying a batch of play dough that the Margie of CharlotteMargieJoe made for him. When I say enjoying, I mean it literally. He eats it! When told that play dough is not to eat, Liam gives the same response that he does when eating dirt, sand, rocks, chalk, etc....
"Mommy, it tastes so good. I love eating play dough!!"