Here are a few snapshots from the rest of our summer. Enjoy!
Another button pusher in the house. Duncan, the smiler, is quite adamant when he wants my cell phone and he can not reach it or I am not giving it to him. Thank you cell phone people for inventing the lock function!

At one of the Saturday Farmer's Markets at Village Pointe, I picked up a watermelon. The boys loved it. As you can tell, Duncan had a good meal all around this night.

Both the boys love pesto, but Duncan would just eat it out of the jar if allowed. I made about 15 pints with basil from my garden this year.

Duncan and Eliza are totally precious together. She is the one kiddo that Duncan will always interact with. He will follow her around, tackle her, sit beside her and read a book, you name it. So much fun to watch them. She is only four months older, but a few pounds shy of his.

This was a magical moment with three children under 3. I left the living room for a second and it was really quite when I came back....because they were all sitting and quietly reading there own books. Lasted about 30 seconds.

On Labor Day this year, we made the trek to the zoo. Always fun. The boys aren't smiling in this picture but they loved the train ride. Duncan gave the token "Choo Choo" and Liam made comments about Thomas.

Liam took a big boy step in September...he decided to give his beloved pacifier to his 6 month old neighbor friend, Talia. He and I wrapped it up and colored the paper, said goodbye and took it on over to her. He asked for it for the next day and a half and hasn't since then. Have to admit that was way easier then I thought it would be.....please let potty training be the same story!!!!

Our first snow in Omaha this year graced us on the second weekend in October. Robert and I decided to gear up and go on out. We are both fans of the winter weather, as long as it is safe, so we were thrilled to see the white stuff fall from the sky. Needless to say, the excitement was passed along to the kiddos. Liam: "Daddy, we need to check the weather....are we going to have snow tomorrow? Wow!!! Can I touch the snow? Can I run in the snow? Can I make a snowman? Daddy, can I have hot chocolate?"

Duncan did enjoy walking in the snow, but had a bit of trouble with all of the extra clothing. He would take a few steps and say, "Eh, eh, eh" in frustration and either hold up his hands to me or bend forward in a mini tantrum, then do the same thing over again. The boots fit well, but they don't work quite like bare feet!