Robert read the boys the note that St. Nicholas had left for the boys on the mantel. It spoke of how proud he was of them sharing their toys with each other and with children in need. They gave money from their piggy banks to a few places...
Then the opening of Lego time began. There were a few other items that the boys received, but it was mainly a Lego theme.
Much to Duncan's delight, there was the unveiling of the train table that was placed in the basement the night before. It was handmade by a father in Omaha and found for a great price on Craig's List.
Liam was so happy to sit and put Legos together with Dad.
Duncan stayed in the basement for at least 30 minutes, by himself, and was found there most of the rest of the day crashing trains.
Our good friend Koob spent the rest of the day with us and brought a fun game for the boys, Richard Scarry's Busytown.
Then I had the privilege for reading one of my favorite stories to the boys before bedtime, "How The Grinch Stole Christmas." What a lovely day!
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